Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I never seem to have the time to figure out this whole blogging thing but lately it seems I have things to say.  I guess most of my better friends (and husband) would say that I always have things to say but if you read my blog you'd say "So much for that theory!" since I haven't written in over a year.

I got into grad school at University of South Carolina for this fall.  My major?  Library Science.  It's a lifelong dream and dreams are important.  So in the fall I start classes part time - long distance (from Northern VA) to get my MLIS in digital libraries.  I'm still working in insurance but I have an exit plan.  Who in their right mind has a dream to be a digital librarian?  I ask you.  Am I crazy?  Probably.

As a mom it seems my priorities in life have changed. When I hear of a child's death or illness I am more affected than I was before.  I want to DO something.  It seems the empathy I have always had for animals has evolved and expanded into people as well.  Some would probably say I've always had empathy for people but it's changed somehow.  It's difficult to explain.  There seem to be more children born early than ever before.  We were lucky with Elizabeth (born at 32 weeks).  She is alive and healthy.  Many people are not so lucky.

I'm actively working with myself to see how this new found empathy can be used.  I started a March of Dimes team this year and we raised $2,000!  It is an issue near & dear to my heart.

Elizabeth's 1st birthday is coming up (August 5th) and I think we'll do a Tinker Bell theme for her party.  Maybe next year we'll call our team "Claps for Tink".  I think I like that!

Do check out the March of Dimes.  They do great work.  Did you know polio no longer exists because of research funded by the March of Dimes? 

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you for following your heart and your dream! I just know that your little girl is always going to admire you for setting such a great example!
